The Memory Of Music
“How many times do we listen to our favourite song and we’re transported back in time, to a special place, a special moment!”
One of my favourite sessions at Trusted Local Care is the music sessions, the impact is unrivalled in my opinion. Seeing the joy and pleasure on the faces of everyone as the music takes hold. Now lets not get carried away this isn’t a rave by any means. But listening to the popular sounds of Frank Sinatra’s ‘moonlight serenade’ , Duke Ellington's jazz ensemble belt out ‘The A train or even Ronald Frankau and Tommy Handley ‘The Quartermaster store.’
As I sit back and listen to the music play the room is transformed, the energy shifted and suddenly the conversations seem to stop, Not to a deathly silence but a unified hum filling the space where words were previously. Then one by one words come back as a chorus of voices backed by the soft tones of those that struggle to speak but still remember every word and melody of their favourite songs from past years.
The links to music and memory are clear and there is a growing body of evidence to support such claims, neuro imaging has been used by several studies to show that parts of the brain where memories are stored become stimulated when music is being played.
It’s important to us at TLC to do everything we can to help our citizens from mobility to memory training . so we need to be invested in new innovative ways to help slow the affects of this illness. Our staff undergo training updates regular and are encouraged to read up about new ways of helping to care for people that have been diagnosed. It is out of this research we have been able to create a diverse array of activities that all enjoy but also get therapeutic benefits from also.